Download e-book for iPad: Additional Letters (Collected Works of John Stuart Mill - by John Stuart Mill

By John Stuart Mill

ISBN-10: 0802027687

ISBN-13: 9780802027689

This quantity includes approximately 375 letters from J.S. Mill. integrated during this checklist are Mill's letters to Henry Cole and Theodor Gomperz.

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Tooke's son, William Eyton Tooke (1806-30), known by his middle name, whose views were evidently becoming incompatible with his father's, was one of Mill's closest friends in these years. Tooke's suicide on 27 January, 1830, deeply affected Mill; see CW, Vol. XII, p. B. Say. 9Tbe question centred on the increased numbers of Irish migrant labourers who had found quicker and cheaper passage to Britain when regular steamboat services began in 1816, and who were able to obtain work partly because of the reluctance of British workers to magrate for temporary work as they would lose their right to parish poor relief.

14If he leaves us it is all over with him. En revanche, I can give the most fhvorable bulletin of Harfield & of Edw. Ellis. 15The former produced at the last meeting of the society an essay on population, which obtained universal, and, considering it as a first attempt, well-deserved applause; in it he kept the promise he had made, of writ-ing sar-cas-ti-cal-ly, and some of the sar-casm was exceedingly good. He complained however that we all laughed at his or-tho-e-py, l_This is a very early reference to John Austin's almost complete inability to fulfill the great promise everyone agreed he possessed.

ZThe donkey, placed equidistant from two bundles of fodder, starves because it cannot decide which to eat. The dilemma, known as asinus Buridani, is traditionally attributed to Jean Buridan (ca. 1290-ca. 1358). P. for Montmse, best known for his constant attempts at eeonornie reform, close associate of James Mill (1773-1836), whose schoolmate he had been. Anthony Hammond (1758-1838), hamster and advocate of Benthamite legal reforms. 1 very great extent. He has already consolidated the whole of the Criminal Law, which it is intended to bring into Parlt either as one bill or a series of bills so as to supersede all the present system: 4 he means next to go to work upon the civil law, & consolidate that too: but this consolidation he himself declares to be only preparatory to a complete codification of the whole law, common & statute: on the subject of which he has very rational ideas; and he says it would destroy the whole of the system of pleading as at present constituted, and would leave nothing to the discretion of the judge, of the evils of which he has a very strong impression.

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Additional Letters (Collected Works of John Stuart Mill - Vol 32) by John Stuart Mill

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