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By Ramesh Thakur

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But did the poetry of Palmer’s seven-year sojourn in the ‘Valley of Vision’ at Shoreham, Kent also decline into prosaic commerce and pastoral nostalgia? In Samuel Palmer: Shadows on the Wall, William Vaughan, an expert on the painter, reminds us that our two Palmers were only ever one. Palmer was not a rebel hermit in his Shoreham period. He took to the woods in 1826 with a small inheritance, and returned to the city regularly, as Thoreau was to commute from Walden Pond to Concord. He worked with like-minded friends, including John Linnell, Edward Calvert and George Richmond, and secured a benediction from the ageing William Blake.

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Philip Pullman put me onto the mysteriously overlooked novelist MacDonald Harris, whom the Galileo Press have started to reissue. He’s a writer of extraordinary quality and inventiveness, magic, fantasy and insanely specific historical investigations into opera, ballooning, early cinema and the whole caboodle. Best of all, he wrote 17 novels, so you’ll be in heaven for some time. 95) about dogs fighting in both world wars; and Deep South by Paul Theroux (Hamish Hamilton, £20), in which the master of travel books drives through the US south.

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Ayodhya and the Politics of India's Secularism by Ramesh Thakur

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