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ISBN-10: 0444595252

ISBN-13: 9780444595256

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Summary 81 Problems 83 Bioprocess engineers seek chemicals and materials for human needs in a sustainable manner. It is the chemicals and materials from biological origin that can sustain the needs of humans. Microorganism also provides a tool for bioprocess engineers to manipulate the chemicals and materials so that they can meet the needs of humanity. Therefore, we shall first review some of the biological basics to learn how living organisms (more specific: microorganisms) function and what their important chemicals and materials are.

Pellet formation can cause some nutrient-transfer (mainly oxygen) problems inside the pellet. However, pellet formation reduces broth viscosity, which can improve bulk oxygen transfer. On the basis of their mode of sexual reproduction, fungi are grouped into four classes. (1) The phycomycetes are algalike fungi; however, they do not possess chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize. Aquatic and terrestrial molds belong to this category. (2) The ascomycetes form sexual spores called ascospores, which are contained within a sac (a capsule structure).

G. budding or fission) and the nutritional requirements of cells. The most widely used yeast, S. g. in wine, beer, and whiskey making) and also for baker’s yeast production under aerobic conditions. 9 Cell-division cycle of a typical yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1. CELLS AND ORGANISMS Molds are filamentous fungi and have a mycelial structure. The mycelium is a highly branched system of tubes that contains mobile cytoplasm with many nuclei. Long, thin filaments on the mycelium are called hyphae.

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Bioprocess Engineering

by Mark

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