Download PDF by Joseph Fiksel: Biotechnology Risk Assessment. Issues and Methods for

By Joseph Fiksel

ISBN-10: 0080342132

ISBN-13: 9780080342139

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Alexander, M. 1983. S. House Committee on Science and Technology. Hearing on environmental implications of genetic engineering, June 22. Committee Print No. 26. 10. Bentley, O . G . 1984. S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, December 11. S. C. 11. Brill, W. J. 1985. Safety concerns and genetic engineering in agriculture. Science 227:381-384. 12. Rowe, W. D. 1977. An Anatomy of Risk. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 13. Merkhofer, M. and V. Covello.

Most environmental risk assessments for chemicals are performed in this manner, although the confidence bounds may be quite broad because of cumulative uncertainties about fate, exposure, and effects. These three approaches are appropriate in the context of low or moderate uncertainty. However, some technological or natural systems are too complex, and knowledge of system behavior too limited, for deterministic analysis to capture the spectrum of possible consequences. Biotechnology applications fall into this category only when there are no data available Risk Assessment Methods Suitability 29 on the behavior and effect of the modified microorganism in the ecosystem of interest.

A. Levin. 1983. Release and containment of microorganisms from applied genetics activities. Environmental Protection Agency Report, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Penn. 18. Summers, M. and C. Y. Kawanishi, Eds. 1978. Viral pesticides: Present knowledge and potential effects on public and environmental health, report no. 600/9-78-026. C. 19. Levy, S. B. 1982. Microbial resistance to antibiotics. An evolving and persistent problem. 83-88. 20. , Ed. 1983. Viral Pollution of the Environment.

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Biotechnology Risk Assessment. Issues and Methods for Environmental Introductions by Joseph Fiksel

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