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By Bernard P. Binks, Tommy S. Horozov

ISBN-10: 0521071313

ISBN-13: 9780521071314

Discusses how small stable debris function at liquid interfaces.

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But as well as having a useful, practical side, solving problems with mathematics can also be challenging and fun. Anyone who has done dressmaking or carpentry knows that mathematics can be used in two ways. One is in the practical sense of measuring and using patterns and diagrams. ’ The pleasure you get from solving these sorts of problems is what has kept mathematicians going for four thousand years! Most of all, mathematics is a powerful tool for expressing and communicating ideas. Sadly, too few people ever get a sense of the ‘power to explain’ that mathematics offers.

The final section of this chapter invites you into the infant classroom to see what things go on and what sorts of notions and difficulties young children have with numbers. 22 Using the figures 3, 9, 4 and 6 once only, write down: a the largest possible four-figure whole number b the smallest possible four-figure whole number. 7 Ordering your figures Beyond thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands lie two additional words that you should know: millions and billions. A million is a thousand thousand or 1 000 000.

3. Calculating with numbers 31 CALCULATOR ADDITION Switch your calculator on and, if necessary, press C to clear the screen. 3. 3 ‘Guess and press’ additions a Guess the results to each addition below and then check your answers on the calculator. 3 + 7 = 7 + 3 = 12 + 9 = 99 + 5 = b Look again at your answers to the first two questions. Write down in your own words what important property about addition this demonstrates. c Does the property you noted in part (b) also hold true for subtraction, multiplication and division?

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Colloidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces by Bernard P. Binks, Tommy S. Horozov

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