By Dippel, Horst
ISBN-10: 3598357559
ISBN-13: 9783598357558
Die Buchedition Verfassungen der Welt vom spaten 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts ist die vollstandigste und wissenschaftlich fundierteste Sammlung ihrer artwork. Sie enthalt Verfassungsdokumente, die weltweit ab 1776 bis zum Ende des Jahres 1849 verfasst und verbreitet worden sind. Rund 1.600 Verfassungen, Verfassungsanderungen, Menschenrechtserklarungen sowie Entwurfe von Verfassungen, die niemals in Kraft getreten sind, sind aus diesem Zeitraum uberliefert. Diese fruhen Verfassungsdokumente sind im Rahmen eines Projekts der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Archiven und Bibliotheken der ganzen Welt gesichtet und gesammelt worden.
Auf Grundlage der Originaldokumente rekonstruierten Experten amerikanischer sowie europaischer Universitaten jeweils fur ein Land die authentischen Verfassungstexte und annotierten diese in der jeweiligen Amtssprache. Jeder Band enthalt eine kurze Einfuhrung, einen Hauptteil mit den edierten Verfassungsdokumenten eines Landes, Anmerkungen und einen Index. Der einzigartige Wert dieser Gesamtedition liegt darin, dass hier erstmals samtliche, bislang weit verstreute und vielfach unbekannte Verfassungen aus der Fruhphase des modernen Konstitutionalismus auf zuverlassiger, authentischer Textbasis verfugbar gemacht werden.
Insgesamt werden die Verfassungen von rund 50 Landern Europas, Nord- und Sudamerikas bandweise, Land fur Land veroffentlicht. Verfassungen der Welt vom spaten 18. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts ist eine einmalige und grundlegende Quellenedition und eine umfassende Dokumentation der Verfassungsgeschichte. Gleichtzeitig erganzt sie die Mikrofiche-Edition Verfassungen der Welt 1850 bis zur Gegenwart.
Der Herausgeber, Horst Dippel, ist Professor fur Britische und Nordamerikanische Geschichte an der Universitat Kassel.
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Extra info for Constitutions of the World from the late 18th Century to the Middle of the 19th Century: New Ireland - Rhode Island Volume 1, Part V
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This Constitution shall take effect and go into operation on the second day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. ARTICLE IX Amendments Any30 specific amendment or amendments, to the Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or General Assembly, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon31 , and referred to the Legislature then next to be chosen, and shall be published for three months previous to making such choice, in at least one newspaper of each County, if any be published therein; and if in the Legislature, next chosen, as aforesaid, such proposed amendment or amendments, or any of them, shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each House, then it shall be the duty of the Legislature to submit such proposed amendment or amendments, or such of them as may have been agreed to as aforesaid by the two legislatures, to the people, in such manner and at such time, at least four months after the adjournment of the Legislature, as the C ONSTITUTION OF N EW J ERSEY (1844) legislature shall prescribe; And if the people at a special election to be held for that purpose only, shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, or any of them by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the legislature voting thereon, such amendment or amendments so approved and ratified shall become part of the constitution: provided that if more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner and form that the people may vote for, or against each amendment separately and distinctly; but no amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people by the Legislature oftener than once in five years.
Kennedy Samuel Hibbler Robert S. Kennedy Somerset P[eter]. D. Vroom Ferdinand S. Schenck George H. Brown Hunterdon Jonathan Pickel David Neighbour Peter I. Clark45 Middlesex M[oses]. Jaques James Parker Jos[eph]. F. Randolph James C. Zabriskie 46 Morris Mahlon Dickerson Francis Child Ephraim Marsh W[illiam]. Nelson Wood Monmouth George F. Fort Bernard Connolly Thomas G. Haight Daniel Holmes Rob[er]t. Laird44 Burlington Moses Wills J[onathan]. J. Spencer W[illia]m. R. Allen Jo[h]n C. Ten Eyck Cha[rle]s.
6. When a writ of Error shall be brought, no Justice who has given a Judicial opinion in the cause in favor20 of or against any Error complained of, shall sit as a member, or have a voice on the hearing, or for its affirmance or reversal; but the reasons for such opinion shall be assigned to the Court in writing. Section 3 1. The House of Assembly shall have the sole power of impeaching by a vote of a majority of all the members; and all impeachments shall be tried by the Senate: The members, when sitting for that purpose, to be on oath or affirmation “truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question according to evidence:” and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members of the Senate.
Constitutions of the World from the late 18th Century to the Middle of the 19th Century: New Ireland - Rhode Island Volume 1, Part V by Dippel, Horst
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