Download e-book for iPad: Continental Airlines - The first fifty years 1934-1984 by r davies

By r davies

Background, starting with Varney Air shipping in 1934 with Lockheed Vega, progresses over the years with tales, descriptions, body of workers, pilots, administration, operations, schedules, destinations, terminals and airplane (detailed images and drawings). huge numbers of pictures and maps accompany textual content.

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New PDF release: Continental Airlines - The first fifty years 1934-1984

Background, starting with Varney Air shipping in 1934 with Lockheed Vega, progresses over the years with tales, descriptions, group of workers, pilots, administration, operations, schedules, destinations, terminals and plane (detailed photographs and drawings). huge numbers of photographs and maps accompany textual content.

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When a man is called a lion, the intent is not to say that he is another instance of the type, though that is intended when he is called an animal. We cannot find in the meaning of "lion" the reason for calling a man one. Where then is the reason to be found? St. Thomas's suggestion is that the similarity is neither univocal nor analogical, both of which depend upon meanings. Rather the metaphorical extension of a term is grounded in something associated with the things of which the term is properly predicated.

51 Imagine a scale at one end of which there are only modulated sounds: humming, perhaps tra la la, where our attention is directed to pitch and rhythm alone, to ordered measured sound. 52 At the other end of the scale, we can imagine language so used as to diminish or conceal its musical side. In between would fall those uses of language in which theatrical and rhetorical and forensic effects are achieved by artful employment of the music of language. In poetry, with its measured lines, its alliteration, its rhymes which organize and group units of meaningful sound, we would have a perfect vocal music to enhance and supplement and in some cases to supplant cognitive meaning.

Man lives by art and reasoning,'' Thomas quotes, and by this is set off from other animals. The latter live by natural instinct and are as it were acted on rather than act, whereas man is directed in his actions by the judgment of his own reason. The various arts have been devised by man in order that he might proceed easily and in an orderly fashion. " 20 What is obvious from this opening of the proemium of the commentary is that "art" is being used to cover the whole range of disciplines. " A fortiori it is needed when "art" ranges over all disciplines.

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Continental Airlines - The first fifty years 1934-1984 by r davies

by Jason

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