Download e-book for kindle: Control Mechanisms in the Expression of Cellular Phenotypes by Helen A. Padykula

By Helen A. Padykula

ISBN-10: 0126119090

ISBN-13: 9780126119091

ISBN-10: 0323157149

ISBN-13: 9780323157148

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1967b). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sei. S. 5 8 , 3 4 4 . Mintz, B. ( 1 9 6 8 ) . ; . Anim. Sei. 27, Suppl. 1, 5 1 . 42 BEATRICE MINTZ Mintz, B. (1969a). Birth Defects, Orig. Artie. Ser. 5, No. 1, 11. Mintz, B. (1969b). , 4 1 . Mintz, B. (1970a). In "Methods in Mammalian Embryology" (J. Daniel, J r . ). F r e e ­ man, San Francisco, California (in press). Mintz, B. (1970b). In "23rd Annual Symposium on Fundamental C a n c e r Research," M. D. Anderson Hosp. , pp. 4 4 7 - 5 1 7 . , and Kindred, B. (1967).

T h e cells were grown in experi­ mental media for 11 days prior to harvest. All media contained 6 X 10 ~ 5 Μ cytidine. ft "R" denotes the normal allele at the orotic aciduria locus, and " r * " its mutant allele. c Barbituric acid either was not added at all, or else was added to the reaction mixture (at the start of the enzyme assay) or to the growth medium (1 day after subculture). 2 Χ 1 0 ~ 3 Μ in either incubation mixture or growth medium. d Millimicromoles of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylated per hour of incubation per milligram of cell protein.

In other individuals, only parts of clones of one of the colors are present, resulting some­ times in short or partial transverse bars (Fig. l c ) . In others, prolifera­ tion of one clonal variant is even more limited, resulting in deviation from horizontal banding and eventually in a dalmatian-like spotted pattern instead of the unselected or banded pattern. T h e s e differ­ ences due to selective advantage may sometimes b e due to the vis­ ible marker locus, but in others to alleles at other loci controlling specific cell growth and division (Mintz, 1970b).

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Control Mechanisms in the Expression of Cellular Phenotypes by Helen A. Padykula

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