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By Michael J Scott, Stephen G Stradling

ISBN-10: 141292099X

ISBN-13: 9781412920995

ISBN-10: 1412921007

ISBN-13: 9781412921008

ISBN-10: 1847878458

ISBN-13: 9781847878458

Counseling for Post-Traumatic rigidity ailment, 3rd variation, maps out find out how to therapeutically deal with victims of post-traumatic tension disease (PTSD) utilizing a cognitive behavioral method of therapy. Fusing the organic and mental results of trauma, the authors current useful innovations to be used in counseling. overlaying the total spectrum of post-traumatic states, the ebook offers a transparent and distinct account of the way those states should be well-known and contains chapters on post-traumatic responses; standards for prognosis; evaluation; and the cognitive behavioral version for remedy.

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Jumping to conclusions. Assuming that it is known what others think, for example, ‘They all think I should be better by now, it was six weeks ago after all’. • Magnification and minimisation. Magnification of shortcomings and minimisation of strengths, for example, ‘Since the trauma, I’m so irritable with the family and just about manage to keep going to work’. • Emotional reasoning. Focusing on emotional state to draw conclusions about oneself, for example, ‘Since it happened, I’m frightened of my own shadow, I guess I’m just a wimp’.

Being able to monitor and identify one’s emotions is probably a pre-requisite for mental health and represents an intrapersonal intelligence. Pascal observed in 1670 ‘The heart has its reasons which reason does not know about’ and in a sense he anticipated that there would be an amygdala that could keep secrets from a hippocampus/cortex, making for a powerful intrapsychic drama triggered by an extreme external trauma. Traditionally, cognitive-behavioural therapy has viewed negative emotion as the therapeutic target to be altered by cognitive and behavioural change.

Qxd 7 5/10/2006 4:21 PM Page 40 The Cognitive-contextual Approach The theoretical origins of cognitive behaviour therapy can be traced to the Stoic philosopher Epictetus who, in the first century AD, observed that ‘People are disturbed not so much by events as by the views which they take of them’. The implications of this observation are first that situations, like objects in the visual world, are better viewed from some angles than from others and secondly that people have a degree of choice in the point of view they adopt.

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Counselling for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 3rd ed (Counselling in Practice series) by Michael J Scott, Stephen G Stradling

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