By Eggli U.
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Some Factors That Influence the Number of Young Produced I n general, t h e n u m b e r of corpora lutea is a fairly reliable indication of the n u m b e r of eggs shed. B u t in the young of m a n y species, and in murids especially, polyovular follicles are common. However, most of these probably undergo atresia and do not ovulate. A. Twinning I n t h e armadillo, polyembryony is t h e rule. Some of the blastomeres separate, and each gives rise to a complete embryo. I n this way one egg m a y produce as m a n y as eight y o u n g ; four is a common number (Talmage and Buchanan, 1954).
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Eksptl. Endokrinol. 2, 71-77. , and Straus, F. (1949). Beitrag zum weiblichen Genitalzyklus der madagaskischen Centetinen. Rev. Suisse zool. 56, Suppl. 1, pp. 1-110. Flexner, L. B. ). (1955). , Foundation, Packanack Lake, New Jersey. Flexner, L. , and Gellhorn, A. (1942). The comparative physiology of placental transfer. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 43, 965-974. Flynn, Τ. T. (1922). Remarks on the method of parturition in Potorous tridaciylus. Proc. Linnean Soc. N. S. Wales 47, XXVIII. Folley, S. J.
Crassulaceae by Eggli U.
by Robert