Norhayati Zakaria's Culture matters decision-making in global virtual teams PDF

By Norhayati Zakaria

ISBN-10: 1482240165

ISBN-13: 9781482240160

ISBN-10: 1482240181

ISBN-13: 9781482240184

Global digital groups (GVTs) have developed as a standard paintings constitution in multinational agencies as a result of their potency and cost-effectiveness. The cultural modifications can produce nice merits by way of viewpoint, creativity, and innovation, but can additionally exacerbate interpersonal tensions, miscommunications, and clashing decision-making behaviors. This booklet outlines cultural advantage particular to GVTs and sheds gentle on administration suggestions for growing an optimum inter-cultural GVT surroundings. It covers idea, determination making thoughts, and actions for cultural competence and challenge answer, all instructed via vignettes and lessons-learned.

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Norhayati Zakaria's Culture matters decision-making in global virtual teams PDF

International digital groups (GVTs) have advanced as a typical paintings constitution in multinational organisations as a result of their potency and cost-effectiveness. The cultural ameliorations can produce nice merits when it comes to standpoint, creativity, and innovation, but can additionally exacerbate interpersonal tensions, miscommunications, and clashing decision-making behaviors.

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Example text

Proceedings of 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 475–482). Maui, Hawaii. January 4–7, 2012. Zakaria, N. M. 2015. Can we count on you at a distance? The impact of culture on formation of swift trust within global virtual teams. L. L. ), Leading Global Teams (pp. 253–268). New York: Springer. Zigurs, I. 2003. Leadership in virtual teams: Oxymoron or opportunity? Organizational Dynamics, 31, 339–351. Chapter 3 Characteristics and Elements of Global Virtual Teams Introduction Decades ago, teams relied on videoconferencing for meetings; nowadays, new collaborative communication technologies such as Trello, Skype, Google+, Zoom, and others have transformed the way people work at a distance.

Lauring, J. 2013. When global virtual teams share knowledge: Media richness, cultural difference and language commonality. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 398–406. D. B. 1998. Lessons from a dozen years of group support systems research: A discussion of lab and field findings. Journal of Management Information Systems, 13(3), 163–207. , Powell, A. & Ives, B. 2004. Virtual teams: Team control structure, work processes, and team effectiveness. Information Technology and People, 17, 359–379. Solomon, C.

T. 1959. Silent Language. Garden City, NJ: Anchor Books/ Doubleday. T. 1976. Beyond Culture. Garden City, NJ: Anchor Books/ Doubleday. Hofstede, G. 1980. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications. Hofstede, G. 1991. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hooker, J. 2003. Working Across Cultures. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books. Kaarst-Brown, M. R. 2002. International cultures and insights into global electronic commerce.

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Culture matters decision-making in global virtual teams by Norhayati Zakaria

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