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The teacher adjusts the volume accordingly. Music for dance integration is generally used in three ways. 1. 2. 3. As support and enrichment. Used as a backdrop to the class or to provide a baseline environment, music can enhance students’ dance experience. Select music that does not have lyrics or draw attention and focus. , 4/4 or 3/4 meter). Select music with a strong downbeat so students can easily count the musical phrases. As texture, quality, or tempo. , fast, slow). Building a Collection of Suitable Music Many musical genres are suitable for the integrated dance class.

Students develop a basic understanding of their environment and enrich their inquisitiveness by learning new things about their world through investigation and inquiry. As they become skilled observers of their world, students generate new questions for investigation, predict outcomes, and test the results with competence. Peter Dow (1999) of the National Science Foundation writes, “Scientific inquiry has its roots in the inherent restlessness of the human mind. . ” The building blocks for learning science are in place before children enter school (National Academy of Sciences, 2007).

Students in today’s classrooms exhibit a wide range of skills and levels, from basic to developing to emerging to accomplished. The teacher provides some simple adaptations and supports so students at all levels can be included in the dance integration class (Kaufmann, 2006). • Students with learning disabilities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) respond well to physical demonstrations, tactile manipulations, peer or teacher supports, and simplified auditory instructions. • Students with developmental disabilities benefit from simplified verbal instructions and physical and tactile demonstrations that are visual.

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Dance integration for teaching science and mathematics by Karen Kaufmann, Jordan Dehline

by Paul

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