Deformation and Flow of Solids / Verformung und Fliessen des by R. Grammel (auth.), R. Grammel (eds.) PDF

By R. Grammel (auth.), R. Grammel (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3642482368

ISBN-13: 9783642482366

ISBN-10: 3642482384

ISBN-13: 9783642482380

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As the difference in A and B increases, the specific energy of the stacking fault in such a pair also "'" "'" / 40 A. H. COTTRELL increases, and to compensate for this the two dislocations take up a closer spacing. When the specific fault energy becomes large they eventually coalesce into a single large dislocation which is unstable and decomposes into unit lattice dislocations that produce slip along [100]. To obtain a working criterion RACIDNGER and I argued that the critical surface energy y to make the pair coalesce is that which exerts a force on the dislocation equal to the theoretical strength of the lattice.

1!. Nous avons superpose les points de transition et d'infiexion car iIs sont dus au meme phenomime; ils correspondent cependant a des deformations differentes, mais, dans Ie polycristal, la presence des joints gene Ie mecanisme de fragmentation et Ie retarde. Remarquons d'abord que les cisaillements critiques sont dans Ie rapport 2,1. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. 2,3 Influence des joints intergranulaires sur l'ecrouissage des metaux 21 c'est-a-dire que la presence des joints augmente la resistance quand il n'y a en principe pas encore de glissements.

Ser. A 64, 156 (1951). : Phys. Z. 26,919 (1925). : Solvay-Konferenz Briieeel 1951 (L'Etat Solide). : Z. 127, 344 (1950). Benordnung 100kp/mm 2• Dislocations in Crystals By A. H. Cottrell, Harwell With 9 figures 1. Dislocation networks. In this lecture, I shall talk mainly about the mechanical effects of dislocations in crystals. i, in which the lines of dislocations are imagined to exist in the crystal in the form of a threedimensional network. We do not start from a picture of the perfect crystal since X-ray and microscopic investigations [1-5] have shown that most crystals contain dislocations; since the presence of dislocations is an essential condition for crystal growth at practical rates from dilute solutions and vapours [6]; and since most crystals of normally plastic substances begin to deform plastically at stresses far below the theoretical strength for the creation of dislocations in the perfect lattice.

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Deformation and Flow of Solids / Verformung und Fliessen des Festkörpers: Colloquium Madrid September 26–30, 1955 / Kolloquium Madrid 26. bis 30. September 1955 by R. Grammel (auth.), R. Grammel (eds.)

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