Ian Hall's Dilemmas of Decline: British Intellectuals and World PDF

By Ian Hall

ISBN-10: 0984590994

ISBN-13: 9780984590995

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N. Berki, On Political Realism (1981) 67 In the late 1940s, the mainstream view of British intellectuals was that realism, construed as amoral “power politics,” was commonly practiced by other states but was not to be recommended as a guide to British foreign policy. Most agreed that it was “realistic” to recognize the shortcomings of international law and organizations to restrain those that practiced “power politics,” but many observed too that those who cleaved too closely to realism in the conduct of international relations tended not to succeed, at least in the long run.

N. Berki, On Political Realism (1981) 67 In the late 1940s, the mainstream view of British intellectuals was that realism, construed as amoral “power politics,” was commonly practiced by other states but was not to be recommended as a guide to British foreign policy. Most agreed that it was “realistic” to recognize the shortcomings of international law and organizations to restrain those that practiced “power politics,” but many observed too that those who cleaved too closely to realism in the conduct of international relations tended not to succeed, at least in the long run.

38 Political virtuosity was not enough: the usurper could apply the lessons of the Florentine’s realist “science of politics” and for a while it might work, but success at the outset would eventually culminate in abject failure. ” 39 The dictators’ defeat was thus inevitable, he came to believe: brought upon them by the very methods that had brought them to power. 36 / The Fall and Rise of Political Realism Others were less sure.  . ” 43 Laski wanted it, in other words, both ways: he wished that Chamberlain had been at one and the same time a paragon of internationalist virtue and a Machiavellian genius, quick to sense his strategic advantage and press it home.

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Dilemmas of Decline: British Intellectuals and World Politics, 1945-1975 by Ian Hall

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