Reader in Medieval History John Hudson, Ana Rodriguez's Diverging paths? : the shapes of power and institutions in PDF

By Reader in Medieval History John Hudson, Ana Rodriguez

ISBN-10: 9004277366

ISBN-13: 9789004277366

ISBN-10: 9004277870

ISBN-13: 9789004277878

Evaluating medieval associations: a number of introductory feedback/ Gadi Algazi --
2. Institutionalisation among idea and perform: comparative ways to medieval Islamic and overdue Roman legislations / Caroline Humfress --
3. The Ḥisba, the Muḥtasib and the fight over Political energy and an ethical financial system: An Enquiry into associations / Eduardo Manzano and Susana Narotzky --
4. Codification in Byzantium from Justinian to Leo VI / Bernard H. Stolte --
5. Codification within the Western heart a long time / Emanuele Conte and Magnus Ryan --
6. Codifying the legislation: The Case of the Medieval Islamic West / Maribel Fierro --
7. legislations and Codification end / John Hudson --
8. the price of States: Politics and Exactions within the Christian West (Sixth to 15th Centuries) / Sandra Caracci and Simone McOllavini --
9. Landholding and legislations within the Early Islamic kingdom / Hugh Kennedy --
10. The Mobilisation of economic assets within the Byzantine Empire: (Eighth to 11th Centuries) / Vivien Prigent --
11. country, Aggregation of the Elites and Redistribution of assets in Sicily within the 11th and 12th Centuries --
Proposals for a brand new interpretation / Annliese Nef --
12. assets and tool --
Conclusion / Eduardo Manzano --
13. The Palace complicated / Stuart Airlie --
14. Palaces, Itineraries and Political Order within the Post-Carolingian Kingdoms / Simon MacLean --
15. Monasteries: Institutionalisation and supplier of area within the Byzantine international until eventually the top of the 12th century / Michel Kaplan --
16. The institutionalisation of Abbasid ceremonial / Nadia Maria El Cheikh --
17. Palaces and areas: end / Ana Rodriguez --
Bibliography --

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35 Nonetheless, if we analyse fourth- to sixth-century Roman legal institutions from the perspective of law as social practice (and I accept that this term needs considerable unpacking too), we are presented with a very different picture of legal institutions and institutionalisation. This picture would foreground (1) the socially constructed nature of Roman legal institutions; (2) the importance of “local” legal cultures and institutional practices and (3) the “situated” behaviour of individual actors.

One could usefully contrast Carocci and Collavini’s suggestion that seigneuries extracting revenues from local peasantries living under a lord’s direct control should be treated as “small polities”, in terms no different from those usually reserved for the state – with Vivien Prigent’s exploration of the efforts invested in the Byzantine Empire to ensure “the greatest possible distancing between the one responsible for and the one benefiting from the Comparing Medieval Institutions 11 levy” – to channel extracted revenues, in monetised form, to the centre before being redistributed.

For example, since at least the early nineteenth century, professional legal historians have painstakingly “identified,” “reconstructed” and classified “Roman” legal institutions, including formal patterns of academic juristic thought – institutions which many legal historians now take to be “natural” and self-evident (again, as implied in the opening quotation above). Whereas comparable attempts to “identify” and “reconstruct” a field of early Islamic legal institutions seems, in general, to be strikingly recent.

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Diverging paths? : the shapes of power and institutions in medieval Christendom and Islam by Reader in Medieval History John Hudson, Ana Rodriguez

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