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By Al Walaie

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Vol. 24, pp. 3985-92, 1985.

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P. Morucci, P. M. Marsili, M. Granie, Y. Shi, M. Lei, and W. W. Dai, "A direct sensitivity matrix approach for fast reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography," Physiol. , vol. 15, Suppl. 2A (6), pp. A107-14, 1994. [23] M. Cheney, D. C. Newell, S. Simske, and J. Globe, “NOSER: An Algorithm for Solving the Inverse Conductivity Problem,” Int. Journal of Imag. Sys. , vol. 2, pp. 66-75, 1990. [24] R. V. Kohn and M. Vogelius, "Relaxation of a Variational Method for Impedance Computed Tomography," Comm.

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Electrical Impedance tomography by Al Walaie

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