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By Masahiko Hirao, Hirotsugu Ogi

ISBN-10: 4431560343

ISBN-13: 9784431560340

ISBN-10: 443156036X

ISBN-13: 9784431560364

This moment version offers complete details on electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs), from the idea and actual rules of EMATs to the development of platforms and their purposes to clinical and business ultrasonic measurements on fabrics. the unique model has been complemented with chosen principles on ultrasonic size that experience emerged because the first version was once published.

The booklet is split into 4 parts:

PART I deals a self-contained description of the fundamental parts of coupling mechanisms besides the sensible designing of EMATs for varied reasons. a number of implementations to make amends for EMATs’ low move potency are supplied, besides beneficial how you can make an EMAT.

PART II describes the main of electromagnetic acoustic resonance (EMAR), which makes the main of EMATs’ contactless nature and is the main winning amplification mechanism for distinct measurements of pace and attenuation.

PART III applies EMAR to learning actual acoustics. New measurements have emerged in regards to 4 significant topics: in situ tracking of dislocation habit, decision of anisotropic elastic constants, pointwise elasticity mapping (RUM), and acoustic nonlinearity evolution.

PART IV bargains with quite a few person concerns encountered in commercial purposes, for which the EMATs are believed to be the simplest suggestions. this is often confirmed via a couple of box applications.

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Extra info for Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers: Noncontacting Ultrasonic Measurements using EMATs

Example text

Maxfield, B. , & Fortunko, C. M. (1983). The design and use of electromagnetic acoustic wave transducers (EMATs). Materials Evaluation, 41, 1399–1408. Moon, F. C. (1984). Magneto-Solid Mechanics. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Ogi, H. (1997). Field dependence of coupling efficiency between electromagnetic field and ultrasonic bulk waves. Journal of Applied Physics, 82, 3940–3949. , & Hirao, M. (2003). Increase of efficiency of magnetostriction SH-wave EMAT by angled bias field: Piezomagnetic theory and measurement.

The Lorentz force mechanism will not contribute to the shear wave generation. ) The magnetostriction force that contributes to the bulk shear wave generation is fxðMSÞ ¼ ðMSÞ @r5 @z ðMSÞ ¼ Àe5z @Hz : @z ð2:78Þ Thus, the normal component of the dynamic field, Hz, which occurs between the straight parts of the coil, plays an important role for the generation as illustrated in ðMSÞ ðMSÞ ðMSÞ Fig. 11. The coefficient e5z equals C55 d5z and the form of d5z is essentially ðMSÞ Fig. unit) the same as that of d6x in Eq.

13 shows the measurements of the field dependence of the SH wave amplitude with various bias field directions / for the interstitial-free steel used in Sect. 1. By applying an oblique bias field, the SH wave amplitude increases to a large extent even at low fields (Ogi et al. 2003a). 5 is then possible relative to the aligned field of / = 0 (classical case). 6 SH-Wave EMAT for Chirp Pulse Compression A potential application of the meander-line coil SH-wave EMAT (Fig. 12) is the flaw detection in ferromagnetic metal sheets.

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Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers: Noncontacting Ultrasonic Measurements using EMATs by Masahiko Hirao, Hirotsugu Ogi

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