By Josep Martí (auth.), A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. Greiner, J. M. Paredes (eds.)
ISBN-10: 9401007004
ISBN-13: 9789401007009
ISBN-10: 9401038287
ISBN-13: 9789401038287
The 3rd Microquasar Workshop (or the 'Fifth' Workshop on Galactic Relativ istic Jet Sources), was once held in Granada, Andalucia (Spain) on 11-13 September 2000. the purpose of this workshop in Granada, following the former Microquasar Workshops in Greenbelt (1997) and Paris (1998) and the Workshops on galactic resources with relativistic jets in Jodrell financial institution (1996) and Milton Keynes (1998), was once to target the theoretical and observational features of microquasars. The examine of microquasars, the assets in our Galaxy showing strong re lativistic jets, is a quickly advancing box in astrophysics. the hot instrumentation on flooring (MERLIN, SCUBA, VLA, VLT) and aboard satellites (ASCA, BSAX, ISO, IXAE and RXTE) has supplied vital effects, and masses extra is predicted to come back from Chandra and XMM-Newton. within the additional destiny, robust instru mentation will come on-line within the sub-mm (ALMA) and gamma-rays (INTEG RAL), extending our insurance to big areas for the examine of microquasars. strength delivery through relativistic jets is among the most vital actual mechan isms happening in compact gadgets. huge efforts were dedicated to accurately comprehend the disk-jet connection, or even the consequences of rotation or magnetic fields. numerous new vital advances were made lately, either from the viewpoint of the theoretical remedy of jets and the various new observational tests.
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Orbital phase dependence of the equivalent width of H-like and He-like iron Ka absorption lines observed in the 1997 observation of GRO 11655-40. of a H-like iron absorption lines could be possible. 05 photons cm- 2 S- l, as detected by the BATSE onboard CGRO. This suggests that the hard X-ray emissions might photoionize the plasma to a high ionization stage, which is consistent with the photoionization scenario proposed by Ueda et al. (1998). 3. Origin of the Absorption Lines We can derive two facts from the detection of the absorption lines.
Of a H-like iron absorption lines could be possible. 05 photons cm- 2 S- l, as detected by the BATSE onboard CGRO. This suggests that the hard X-ray emissions might photoionize the plasma to a high ionization stage, which is consistent with the photoionization scenario proposed by Ueda et al. (1998). 3. Origin of the Absorption Lines We can derive two facts from the detection of the absorption lines. One is the presence of highly ionized plasma between an X-ray source and the observer. The other is that the plasma has a non-spherical configuration around a black hole.
S. T. WOLFF Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 B. D. BLOOM Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Stanford, CA 94309 Abstract. We present first results from a monitoring campaign of GRS 1915+ 105 undertaken with the USA X-ray timing experiment on the ARGOS satellite. A variety of behaviour has been observed, ranging from low, steady X-ray emission to rapid quasi-periodic flaring on timescales of approximately 10-120 seconds. 1. The USA Experiment The Unconventional Stellar Aspect (USA) Experiment is one of nine experiments aboard the Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite (ARGOS) which was launched on 23 February 1999.
Microquasars: Proceedings of the Third Microquasar Workshop Granada Workshop on Galactic Relativistic Jet Sources Granada, Spain, 11–13 September 2000 by Josep Martí (auth.), A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. Greiner, J. M. Paredes (eds.)
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