Download PDF by Paola Monaco, Gianfranco Totani (auth.), Mohamed A. Sakr,: Special Topics in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

By Paola Monaco, Gianfranco Totani (auth.), Mohamed A. Sakr, Atilla Ansal (eds.)

ISBN-10: 9400720599

ISBN-13: 9789400720596

ISBN-10: 9400720602

ISBN-13: 9789400720602

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, in addition to their interface with Engineering Seismology, Geophysics and Seismology, have all made outstanding development during the last 15 years, normally as a result of the improvement of instrumented huge scale experimental amenities, to the rise within the volume and caliber of recorded earthquake information, to the varied well-documented case reviews from contemporary powerful earthquakes in addition to more suitable laptop features. one of many significant elements contributing to the aforementioned development is the expanding social want for a secure city surroundings, huge infrastructures and crucial amenities. the most scope of our e-book is to supply the geotechnical engineers, geologists and seismologists, with the newest advances and advancements within the quarter of earthquake geotechnical engineering, seismology and soil dynamics.

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37 Pianola site: comparison of shear wave velocity profiles obtained by Down-Hole tests (DPC 2009) and SDMT tests In the Bazzano area, the geological survey detected a sandstone formation locally covered by alluvial deposits (Cavuoto and Moscatelli 2009). The MASW reference vertical is located at the transition between the outcropping sandstone and the alluvial cover; as a matter of fact, the experimental shear wave velocity profile seems to identify shallow bedrock at 8 m (Fig. 38). In this case, however, no borehole was available in the vicinity to confirm this result.

San Franco (NE of L’Aquila, epicentral distance ED = 18 km, I = VI MCS) were re-activated few days after the main shock. Dynamic actions possibly concurred with the prolonged intense rainfall occurred in the days following the main seismic event. In the following sub-sections, only the main ground failures are described. Event descriptions and considerations reported in the following sub-sections have been originally collected during the surveys carried out by the GEER (Geoengineering Extreme Events Reconnaissance) Working Group.

In San Pio delle Camere, the housing stock of the village is similar to Castelnuovo. This village had no observable significant damage to any of the structures. Several fine cracks were observed in the exterior walls of some of the two-story and three-story residences, as shown in Fig. 51. 1 Geotechnical Aspects of the L’Aquila Earthquake 45 Fig. ) 800 750 limestones 700 650 750 0 200 400 600 800 distance (m) 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 distance (m) Fig. 49 Schematic geological cross-sections of Castelnuovo and San Pio delle Camere (courtesy of Dr G.

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Special Topics in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering by Paola Monaco, Gianfranco Totani (auth.), Mohamed A. Sakr, Atilla Ansal (eds.)

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